About Classes
Classes help us determine the strengths and weaknesses of a character. Someone who is maxing out sentinel wouldn't be very fast, for example. It's up to you how you decide to spend your exp where classes are regarded though make sure to choose carefully!
Clairvoyants are the healers of our world - their magic is strongest in both mending the wounds of themselves and others along with communicating with the spiritual realm to foresee the future or explore the past. They can explore the depths of the mind to reveal even the most guarded secrets. Clairvoyants are not to be underestimated. A clairvoyant represents endurance

Imprint Healing Scry Telekinesis Dream Walking Telepathy Aura Reading Augmentation Psionic Blast Absorb Tracker Guiding Light Solar Prism All Sight Salvation Resurrection
Occultist's delve deep into dark magic that can rend the soul or be used to defend themselves from the harmful wishes of others. Their magic is both stunning and terrifying to those unprepared to see the horrors that come from the wicked mind of a mad sorcerer. An occultist represents magic.

Plague Teleportation Telekinesis Detonation Telepathy Oscillate Basilisk Scrawl Reaper Bondage Projection Hemokinesis Necrosis Soul Eater
Sentinel's have no qualm about thrusting themselves into the front-lines of a battle, to get their hands covered in the blood of their foes for the sake of honour. While they may not have many abilities offered to them, their greatest strength comes not with magic but with the force of their bodies. As such they're stronger with magic that can harm others or defend themselves. A sentinel represents strength.

Tough Skin Resolve Iron Skeleton Invigoration Regeneration Phantom Weapon Absorb Purge Bone Modification
Slayer's travel within the darkness, cloaked in a viel of mystery. Their magic aids them in taking out foes quickly without being seen or manipulating the forces around them to make feeble minds believe; remember, not everything is as it seems. A slayer represents agility.

Chameleon Skin Darkness Element Shrink Venom 360 Teleportation Doppleganger Telepathy Mimicry Seduction Ghost Basilisk Assimilation Shapeshift Crawler Tracker Bondage Toxic Mist
Elemental's are strongest when embracing the forces of nature around them. Their magic focuses on the world instead of the body be it from fire to water their magic twists the ethereal fibres of the very trees around us and the beasts that wander upon the earth. They manipulate these natural forces and the energy of the earth around them to their whim. An elemental represents accuracy.

Elements (including light and darkness) Energy Sprout Weather Control Warg Shatter Assimilation Summon Star Keeper Guiding Light Toxic Mist Solar Prism
While some may be content to manipulate the forces of physical magic or disrupt the sanctity of the mind, an arius prefers to practice magic that interfere's with the senses such as sight and sound, even touch and taste. They create powerful illusions and are said to be swift with their magic which makes them a worthy foe. An Arius represents speed.

Sense Casting Spectravision Imprint 360 Biosonar Telepathy Banshee Siren Song Basilisk Projection

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