History of Adymeria
Our story begins long ago when the earth was young and just beginning to feel life, when magic was only a myth and the supernatural was still a sealed and hidden force. The Great Spirit oversaw all of his children as they bloomed, and watched as our own two creators, Sol the Sun and Luna the Moon, raced across the new earth with life and light. They were favored for their passion, loyalty, strength and beauty. Like many of our kind though, they were each powerful dominants and both sought control over the other. This craving led them both into great clashes said to shake the earth and cause the skies to tremble at their might. Other spirits stayed clear of them, afraid of their might and strength. It was during one of these great battles that our two great spirits went too far; they were tangled for days, causing great chaos across the lands. As a result from their power, they struck the Great Spirit with their magic and he fell to the earth he had been so carefully crafting. Where he lay, he bled, and the earth drank it in and wept for its creator.

All the spirits were still as they mourned, watching to see if the Great One would live or die. Slowly, our great leader began to rise and with anger in his heart he fled our realm. Our two spirits stayed by the place he had fallen to earth in shame, watching the other spirit races come and go from the place to continue their own designs. This strange patience of our kind led them to a greater knowledge and power though; where the Great One had bled a beautiful vine began to take hold and grow until it was taller than any tree and its vines spread out across the earth. It bloomed quickly, haunting white flowers that were nearly transparent, shimmering with white light, and seeped healing tears onto the earth and creatures below. This holy place and its vines became known as the Ghostflowers. It was from these falling petals that our two great spirit ancestors crafted us, molded us in their image and gave us abilities and appearances that were not intended for any creature. They blessed us with knowledge and skill but also cursed us with our devastating powers and our own creations.

It has been many years since our two great spirits or the Great Spirit stepped down on earth, and many believe they have forsaken us and others cling to them and worship them as fervently as in the days they are said to have walked among us. Times are changing though, we once lived in great peace and harmony, the Sol and the Luna followers, as brothers and sisters, separated by our alignment and birth from the Sun or the Moon but one as we are of the same blood. Though it was seldom heard of for battles or much mingling between our kinds to happen, it has gradually become more and more common as two great Kingdoms have risen and formed from packs of powerful bloodlines. Anger brims between packs, wolves have begun to further divide themselves, wandering to worship the elements, life, death, creating new gods, finding new spirits to pray to and seek advice from. The ghostflowers have began to radiate heat and some of their sacred petals have begun to wilt and fall. The Oracles have begun to weep and cry out warnings from their homes in the vines. Curse's have begun to fall on wolves that have gone astray to seek out spirits they are not meant to follow, our pups stillborn in punishment. Chaos is on the verge of blossoming in place of our holy lands, leaving many hearts crying out for mercy.

Not long into the reign of Chaos a great Council rose up, promising they could speak to the unsettled spirits and our lost gods. Desperate, many wolves turned to them for guidance and peace and others turned against them, bitter and angry and screaming out their blasphemy. Truth be told, the Council is quite able to communicate with the spirits and the gods but whether or not they speak honestly is unknown to most of us. Only the spirits can give the gift to speak to them. The Council has begun to initiate a wolf every two seasons, a Guardian, who is said to be as close to a mortal god as there could be. They are blessed and worshiped by many, gaining great power by their titles. However another breed of god exists, born powerful by their bloodline name. A God child, as they are called, are also known for their great power. Many come to the Council to serve as Guardians, but others have darker purposes in mind.
History of Kaelir
When the Great Spirit had fled our world due to the betrayal of his children, some began to fear the God’s would unleash their wrath upon the world and lead our kind into ruin. For eons legends, tales said to be nothing more than a mother’s fable, told of a mystical cluster of islands hidden and forgotten by the God’s. They called this land Kaelir, the kingdom of the heavens. No one, even to this day, had ever seen this set of magical islands high above the clouds but it was fear that drove them to search for a way to reach Kaelir. A band of five wolves had gone to the Lunar Skyway hoping that this would be the link between the heavens and earth and with the strongest of mages in tow, they crafted a stone of pure magic hidden deep within the Skyway; this stone has since been long forgotten but it had been the route of their escape. Once they arrived in Kaelir a stone, identical to the stone they had forged within the Skyway, had been crafted so they may return to the earth when the God’s had soothed their anger. Years after their arrival to the traveling islands disaster struck when their smallest of isles crumbled into the sea below and those whom began to call themselves the God Forged began to fear that Kaelir had indeed not been forgotten after all this time. To preserve themselves, the elder of the formed tribes prayed to the God’s and cast her magic on all of the wolves of Kaelir, encasing them in preserving crystal where even now they still slumber, their sleep undisturbed for centuries but eventually it must come to and end…

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