7'2 ft
486 lbs
Eye Color
Like molten fire, they are the ravaging eyes of the Reaper. Daunting, and resonating. Comparable to the greedy spread of inferno's gluttonous hands. They are without pupils; ghoulishly unearthly and smited with the fester of manifestation. Of Madness. Compelled to conquer; a need for triumph. The devil's scornful gaze exudes an utmost unforgiving stare; foreboding, and enflamed with the obsession to posess, and control.
Fur Color
See appearance below.
Lushious tendrils of ashen fur decorate the expanse of the behemoth's skeleture. He is, a decent of night, the lurking shadow at your back; silent as the dead man's breath when just short of the relinquishing of life. Fire emanates from his nape and between rugged shoulders; vivid accents of wild oranges, yellows, and reds clothes his broad chest in a ring of color, as well as the inside of his ears. (Rimmed with adornments of black, same as besetting his brilliant eyes.) Forelegs have two black stakes of diminishing size grown from between flesh and bone.
Napalm, gasoline. Fire, and ash.
Malakiah Deveraux
Safiya Mirabella [deceased]
Orthae (F) [whereabouts unknown]
Chath (M) [whereabouts unknown]
about --
Registration Date: 05-24-2013
Last Visit: 08-18-2013 03:13 AM
Total Posts 71
Played By: Meredith

Clairvoyant level:  0   Occultist level:  0   Sentinel level:  10   Slayer level:  50   Elemental level:  15   Arius level:  0

Total EXP

Morikiah Bakara Cryptus's Info
general information
Namasté Uciliece Greenfire - former love
Other Info:
For future purchasing purpose// spikes, warg, tracker, bondage

Luscious tendrils of lucid infernos that radiates like fire partially carpets the hellion's spine up to his nape and ears. Otherwise enveloped in an envious cimmerian cloak; he is a descent of the night, the shadow and silhouette of an unearthly beast; an ominous, beautiful monstrosity. The lord's legs are long and solid pillars, adequately trained and disciplined to uphold his gargantuan weight while dutifully equipped and powered by muscular hindquarters and broaened shoulders. From behind the thick sinew of his forelegs are two black stakes that point inward; uncannily similar to that of immovable bone-material. Most common in males of his species and heritage, Morikiah's chest is deep and wide, compact. He holds high a broad and massive crainia, baring an inevitable black mask around both scorching eyes. A noticeable tear distorts his left ear, as well as a menacing scar that suspends candidly over his left eye. Brilliant, and ravenously possessive of all it touches, the Lord's fervid gaze hold no pupils. Eyes to set the world on fire. Morikiah is taller, and therefor, longer than average males, ending in an irascible, heavy and luxurious tail that comes down about midway past his hips. Bone-decimating, merciless jaws conseal an inevitable set of long and deadly dentistry beneath wicked, blackened lips.

• SKEPTICAL » "someone who frequently doubts the truth of something."

• MELANCHOLY » "having a certain gloominess or depression in demeanor."

• CRITICAL » "tends to judge severely and find faults or problems often."

• SARCASTIC » "to be bitter with words or behavior; to speak mockingly."

• UNTRUSTING » "the caution or wariness of others; distrustful to all."

• CAPRICIOUS » "the act of a sudden change in behavior; unpredictable"

• BIPOLAR » "a combination of mood disorders referred to as mania, depression and in his case, minor delusions.."

Morikiah is a man of duel nature, a shape-less figure in an extense of two, to three various personalities. True to his actual nature, Morikiah has never unwillingly resign to the dictation of other's mindless drone. Oftentimes he is instead, unhesitant to demonstrate his combative side when provoked, in order to defend a sense of self-governing. Independence, if you will. Relative to his unmasked aggression, an infamously profound flaw of greed has reared it's ugly head enough to have earned Morikiah a most notorious title; "The Lord of Thieves". One of which appeals one's most revolting urges, and calls to an inner-posession's most frieghtening fantasies..
• Born to a Kingdom ruled by a depraved King, his father.
Named heir as the first son. Second born in a litter of three conceived through rape. One still born.

• Sired by monarch, Malakiah Deveraux and a woman taken as a slave, Safiya.
Oldest sister, Orthae; youngest brother, Chath.

• An unrestrained rivalry blossomed between the two brothers, igniting a primitive war that would soon become a supreme source of entertainment for their sadist of a father.

• The children grew to be just six months when Safiya was murdered in cold blood.
Morikiah bare witness to the slaughter, which later proved to be a detrimental blow to his view of Malakiah and his kingdom. This he kept private from his siblings; buried it with a profound hatred for the murderous King.

• Shortly after their mother's passing, Orthae disappeared from Novus Vita unnoticed.
Secretly, she claimed to return for the blood of Malakiah Deveraux and all who opposed her.

• Upon reaching eight months of age, Morikiah abandoned his rightful seat to the throne of Novus Vita, and thus escaped his father's gripping madness.
Free of Malakiah's direct influence, he would eternally contend against his inner-nature.. what runs deep, irrevocable in his blood and veins as the product of a madman.

• To be continued..

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