about Rei
Registration Date: 06-06-2013
Last Visit: 06-26-2013 11:35 PM
Total Posts 5
Played By: Noki

Clairvoyant level:     Occultist level:     Sentinel level:     Slayer level:     Elemental level:     Arius level:

Total EXP

Reiko Miyuki Yuuki Izuka's Info
Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around.
general information
Frost Sentinel
Other Info:

Height: 2ft | Weight: 60lbs | Scent: fresh snow and lilacs
Eye Color: Bright Light Blue | Coat Color: Colorless
Reiko has a slender build, she is far from being built for power due to her diminutive stature and fragile like bone structure. Instead, her slim light frame is built for speed and endurance. Fragile and delicate, her compact body is slim, her pointed snout, sharp ears, long legs, bushy tail and tiny paws leads to a very aerodynamic build that gives her the ability to run very swiftly and her excellent balance allows her to be quite agile for a wolf, however lacking in power very greatly. With her build, she is more suited to run for safety and for assistance than to stand her ground. Her fur is of the purest whites #FFFFFF, almost ghost or albino like as they seem to be completely lacking in color or hues in any way. The only color on the woman truly comes from her ears and paw pads that are colored with a light baby blue #adebff and her her light bright blue #8DFFFF eyes, if it weren't for her eyes and light blue nose, the woman could very well easily be mistaken for an albino. Her fur actually slowly clears at the point, giving her a faint aura in the glow of the right light; often because her fur is so white, clear and pure, she is mistaken to be a ghost or a spirit as her element sways her fur like a constant cool breeze. The individual furs all over her body are very fine, to the touch they feel like velvet as her pelt is thick with these fine individuals. Just as her species, fallen fur turns to snow and melts away. With every step the young damsel takes, a thin layer of ice lays in her wake along with some snow that shakes loose from her legs as she steps. Her tail though has the longest of individual furs, growing sometimes to a staggering 4 inches in length, it always looks bushy and soft. Not only is the fur on her tail fairly long for a wolf, but her tail it's self is abnormally long and elegant. The scruff around her neck is thicker, giving her one of those fur coat like appeal that humans seem to like. She walks with a light step, royal like as she seems to always be proud of her regal like appearance. Feline like in stride, every time she steps, both left arm and left leg move at the same time, followed by the right side; the same way that a feline or a camel walks. This odd way of walking has been adopted since she was really young and no one has been able to explain why she began to walk this way.
Kind Ever since birth, Reiko has never had a bad bone in her body. Gentle, soft spoken, she always tries to give the benifit of the doubt to all that she meets. She has a horrible sense of judgement, always getting herself in trouble as she trusts too easily when it comes to strangers. As she returns the favor, she is a reliable individual who would do anything to not let them down. She tends to go out of her way just to help everyone that seeks it, or that at least seem to need it, and care very little about her own safety when it comes to helping out others; especially when it comes to pups. This pure soul has had a soft spot for the young ever since she could remember, wanting a litter of her own to care for, or even to adopt a lost pup.

Candid/Bold Reiko is one of those wolves who would rather talk things through than go about and getting violent. She has never bitten anyone in her life other than prey, disliking to cause pain in any way possible. But she will speak out rather boldly if she finds anything is a miss. She has strong beliefs in that everyone has a voice and should be heard. She can be rather fearless, stepping up against anyone that she finds is in the wrong just so she can heard.

Charismatic/Charming Unnusually so. If her looks do not stop trafic, then surely her personality will. She holds herself and those around her onto a pedestle, all lon equal grounds to the point that she will not let anyone feel inferior in any way; many feel comfortable around such a treatment, especially the underdogs. Go figure? She walks with such grace, pride just radiated from her every being as she tries to share such feelings with others in any way possible. She's alluring, a magnet for attention even if she does not mean to be, and that is not just the smile that is always painted on her gentle maw.

Enthusiastic/Outgoing Always willing to please, she will never have a second thought on a given mission to someone in need. If anything, she will be up on her feet as the first wolf in line, even if it is a dangerous one that may be suicidal. With the greatest smile splitting her face, the brightest of them all, she will do anything gladly. She has the taste for adventure, which feeds her willing to travel in long distances over a simple mission. Rarely does she turn down the chance to go somewhere new, or try something for the first time.

Devoted Once given a task, whether it is self imposed or given by another, she will devote all her time to accomplishing it no matter how long it takes. Rarely will she give up on a task just because it is too difficult or too dangerous for herself. A devoted friend that would never let a close one weep, a mate that will never leave the side of her beloved or cheat upon any circumstances, and most of all; a devoted guardian/mother, that will do anything to keep her litter or young ones safe and happy.

Imaginative/Childish Nearly puppy like in many cases, she still has the tendency in playing little pranks on people once in a while. Harmless pranks that at most would cause a little discomfort. She loves to play around in the snow, or run around in the forest seeing as she is well enough adapt to it. A race is one of her favorite things, testing out her speed against others just to invoke some adrenaline. Still she nips and yips and bounces around, trying to get others to play along, or to get them excited in some way for a game. Constantly she would tell extravagant stories to others; about queens and princesses, kings and princes, about true love and dragons just to teach them some form of moral or just for fun to see that little smile cross their faces as she tells them of extraordinary events.

Born in a river pack, where the lands within the borders are riddled with small lakes and pristine streams. Reiko's parents were vagabonds who seaked shelter within the pack's borders and were granted such upon the request that they remain, for their safety and health as well as their soon to be born litter.

Growing up in a loving environment, nothing truly happens throughout her pup hood until the young woman turned a year and began to fall for the Beta male of the pack, Korso. They were becoming close and the young woman was falling for him quickly, young love as they call it. However, her happy beginning was soon trashed as she traveled too far from the borders, up a mountain in where her species thrived, and ambushed by an older male who took advantage of her.

Returning a month later, ashamed of what had happened in the mountains, she was afraid of returning to Korso, her family and friends of the pack; only to find out that Korso had moved on with another woman and as Alpha of the pack with the vanishing of the late Alphas. Heart broken, Korso still vowed to care for the bastard pups once they are born.

The litter had come and another heartbreak soon took over, this one far more striking than the last. Her litter was nothing more than stillborns thanks to the stress she had unknowingly placed on her tiny body.

She later then meets Iborcand who saves her from drowning and returning her back home with his escorting. Unfortunately, weeks pass over his kind gesture and he returns to her homelands simply to take advantage of her trust in him and he takes her away as a gift to his mate, a slave to her pack where she is auctioned off to Kirin.

As time ticked on, torture and slavery, she eventually finds a way to escape and is now roaming to find a new place to call home after her homelands have been destroyed in a war during her time away.

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