about Aeo, Aeon, Tori
Registration Date: 06-08-2013
Last Visit: 10-22-2013 12:36 PM
Total Posts 40
Played By: Aeon / CC

Clairvoyant level:     Occultist level:     Sentinel level:     Slayer level:     Elemental level:     Arius level:

Total EXP

Aeonatoris Escofowel's Info
general information
3 years old
none current
Other Info:

A wolf as black as night slashed by the moonlight herself. Her black furred coat absorbs all light around it except for the white stripes that traverse her body. Along her legs a pair of white stripes start from the base of her heel and criss-cross up her legs up to the white stripe that extends down her spine. This stripe travels further down until the base of her tails where it splits into two separate strands on each tail and once more winds around the tails, criss-crossing over one another. The pair join for one last final time at the tail tips that is completely bathed in the moonlights white glow (She has a total of three tails).

Her fur is very soft since she tends to take very good care of it when no one is watching but does not bother so around others unless absolutely needed. Her eyes change color between red, blue and black due to a genetic from one of her family members that shows her emotional state.

From her head sprouts two different sets of horns. The first jut straight back about two and a half inches. The second pair are larger ram like horns that sit right to the outside of the first pair curving around her ears and sitting beside her lower jaw underneath her eyes. Her height is not the tallest having her stand at 4 feet 5 inches tall and weighing around 280 pounds. Most would take her as lighter but due to her horns her weight is a bit more distributed to her front. Her muscles are pretty even all around though her back leg muscles are a bit stronger, needed for being able to run and jump with all the weight in the front.

Reference for the stripes http://s7.thisnext.com/media/largest_dimension/869F6D1F.jpg

She does not remember her childhood. She remembers only a few days ago when she woke up in an unknown place with no family. No friends. No one there for her. Due to the traumas of her younger life she has blocked all memory of that time and before as to not trigger the memories blocked. These events also triggered her to have split personality disorder.

When her eyes are red she is in a more energetic mood, most times this can be happy, anger, jealousy, fear, pretty much if she is thinking faster and such then the color of her eyes will be red. When blue she is calmer or in a more depressed state, such as being sad, lonely, sick, dis-heartened (This is not always the case though, like with just sitting there on a hill and watching the breeze blow leaves by. Being happy like that would usually be a calm happy). When her eyes turn black her mind is not her own and her alter takes hold. It is not in any way like her, feral and savage. It remembers everything and views everyone as an enemy. It only knows how to kill. It is not that it doesn't want to distinguish friend and foe but more of can not do so. The deep rooted memories are buried in this monster and scar to deep to be healed. This is not to say this personality is the original.

There is a way to tell if her personalities will switch or not. The eyes color is not any one set of shade. It lightens and darkens depending on her mood. Light represents she is in a better mood but the darker the more down in the dumps she is or the darker her thoughts, depending on her over all emotional state determines how dark the eyes must be before they switch. On rare occurrences when she is energetic but forcing herself to be calm the eye color mixes to form purple. this is rare though and would usually only happen in a fight or such (If she was enjoying it and trying to keep herself calm to not make a mistake.)

The red and blue eyes represent the first Aeo who is the original and for the most part this Aeo is the one in control. Her usual self tends to bring out the red eyes from being very upbeat and energetic all the time. She is strong hearted but once broken shatters into many tiny pieces that are hard to pick up. It was only thanks to her memory being slated clean that she was able to recover from her ordeals.

Aeo was a small pup compared to her sisters. She barely made it alive but by the time she came out of the den was a bouncing bundle of joy. Everyone had trouble keeping up with her. She never seemed to die out of energy no matter how late it was. She seemed to be even more energetic at night.

One night she could not sleep so she snuck out from the den. She wandered to far out and ended up far from the den to where she could not see it. It was from here that a lone wolf picked her up and ran off with her. Not sure what was going on Aeo was quiet for quite some time before she grasped what had just happened. In a pitiful attempted she howled out to the night sky but was unsuccessful. She was already to far from home to be heard by anyone.

For the next two years she spent as the wolfs personal slave. He had power over the elements and kept her caged when he was not around. When she was finally in her adult years she was lucky enough and never ended up with kids. He tended to avoid her at this time, probably due to the fact he didn't want any kids or more mouths to feed.

It was one month before her third birthday. She had been fazing in and out of reality, contemplating suicide when she had her first black out. It was at this time her alter self was formed, taking all the memories with it causing her to have amnesia. This coincidentally helped fix most of the damage done to her mentality though her boundless energy seemed to return with it. She does not remember her name consciously but brings it up as the name she wants to be called by. Aeonatoris Escofowel.

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