about Sehv, Lyra
Registration Date: 06-12-2013
Last Visit: 08-24-2013 04:23 PM
Total Posts 28
Played By: Carneficia

Clairvoyant level:     Occultist level:     Sentinel level:     Slayer level:     Elemental level:     Arius level:

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Sehvinae Lyra I'llyeis's Info
"A terrible weakness in my nature."
general information
376 Years
God Forged
Other Info:
Only those close to her heart call her by the name of Lyra.

Owns a rare species of Emperor dragon (familiar) called Helios.


Completely and wholly feminine is the svelte frame of the dove birthed of lies and deceit though it is no wonder that such would be the case. Crafted in the self-same image of her mother, beauty was only one of the many curses forced upon the bosom of the witch's child. And she was exactly that, beautiful to an utter fault. But it is only in that did she take from her mother's image; a delicate frame, lithe limbs, and a luxurious coat of silken grace. In all else, she is nothing alike but even then, the semblance is undeniable.

From birth, she was a child of the sky and sea. A marriage of two parts made whole. Not unlike a pearl within the depths of the ocean, her coat is that of the iridescent pastels of blue's and carnations, ever-changing within Sol and Luna's embrace. She is never the same to any single person as if her being were in a constant metaphysical state of existence. A mere phantom that wanders the kingdom of the heavens. Else-wise she is decorated in an attire of simplicity with only two feathers to adorn her left ear and naught else to mar her physique.

Perhaps many would consider her plain in light of the eccentricity of Kaelir and Adymeria but her prowess lies in a different kind of inherent trait, one that is both practiced and born within her - one of presentation and representation. Her eyes of opalescent hues speak depths of whatsoever it is she wishes and demands. Her movements are graceful, clumsy, broken, and insane if she so desires it. Control is her paramount form of authority and she carries it with her in the very fabric of her being.

A woman of many vices, Sehvinae is not good by nature but by choice. She lives and thrives on the self-made practices of faith, restraint, and patience -- none of these qualities by which were engraved to her being but taught overtime. Yet to say she is without virtue would be falsity, a petty form of larceny to her character which, not for nothing, knows only of a world where things are earned rather than given. Such is the mold created from nearly four centuries worth of experience. Such is a woman burdened by memories of love, hatred, hope, and tragedy.

She is, just as she presents herself to be, in total and absolute control. That though her temper is short, she binds it well in the necessary situations. And while she loves wholeheartedly, she does so with restraint. Every facet of her being is moderated and with each passing century, that form of control has only strengthened overtime, becoming an unrelenting shield and arm. In the eyes of those who know her, she is faithful, fair, and much to her misfortune, incredibly uptight. Blessed with a silver-gilded tongue that knows only of wit and sarcasm where happiness, despair, and humor should lay, she speaks with sensibility whensoever she pleases and naught when she deems fit. Yet in the totality of her presentation, she is as faithful as they come, believing wholly in the Trinity and of the Kaelir empire.

But it is not to be forgotten that as much as she is good, she is capable of cruelty beyond mortal comprehension. Her knowledge is infinite and impossibly detrimental when in the wrong hands. And to her own discredit, she has the potential and inclination toward her mother's disposition which is as destructive as they come. The sole factor that separates them is choice, Sehvinae chose a different path and in that, she is resolute.

Born of a magic most dark and foul, Sehvinae was the prophesied child of a polygamous witch whose cursed womb would bear one and one alone. They called this witch Lilium but that was only one of many names by which she was known. The harbinger of the seven sins. The mother of all vices. She was one whose desires knew no bounds and desire did she for the hearts of kings. For all else was already within her grasp, all but one, the most virtuous of emperors whose heart was said to be unswayed. But Lilium was nothing, if not persistent, and she manipulated and beguiled her way into the king's court bearing the mask of a woman untouched. Yet even then, two centuries passed before her efforts came to fruition but when it did, there was no stopping the long-standing repercussions that nearly brought down the whole of an empire. Or so that's how the legend goes but history on a mortal tongue is a fickle mistress, ever changing in time's embrace. It would be a fool's ambition to extract the grain of truth from the web of falsities and exaggerations but alas, not impossible. There lives within Kaelir only a handful of souls who still remember and cannot forget the heroism and tragedy that shook the foundation of their lives nearly three hundred years past - one such soul being the very daughter of the king and witch, Sehvinae.

Perhaps once I could claim to remember everything that occurred from my birth until now but my memory is not as it once was and in some ways, I am happy for it. If there is truth in this world, it is that some thing's are better left unsaid but I digress. I am sure you care little for philosophy just as I am disinclined to lecture on it.

When I was born, my mother and I spent a year and half under the care of my father before she took away with me in the middle of the night. Looking back on it now, I would not be where I am or who I am had it not been for the short time spent with my father during the earlier days of my youth. He was a kind man and a true king, generous yet unyielding, knowledgeable and charismatic, but most of all, when he loved, he loved unconditionally. In that was his biggest flaw, his sole weakness but that is a story for another time.

Some may say I was far too young then to have remembered so clearly a man who I'd lived with for just over a year but it is they who do not know, he is not a man easily forgotten. Everyone around him loved him and if they did not, they respected him, revered him even. Even my mother, a blasphemous heathen adorning sheepskin, came to love him truly from the pits of her wretched heart and perhaps it was that that made her escape. The fear in knowing that she was changing, in spite of all her efforts to convince herself otherwise, cowed her but the final straw for her was me. When she saw that I was becoming more and more like my father and further from what she wanted, she could bear it no longer.

Many have asked me why it is she could not remain, why she fought so hard against becoming good and my only answer to it all is that it is in her nature. Her heart is fickle and though he was the only man to have felled her heart, it was not enough to change her whole. So when she took me away, I followed her without question. After all, she was my mother and I only knew her to be loving and gentle. That was only one of the many misconceptions of the people within my life who would come to change me... And break me.

I know you expect me to say that my life was inadvertently changed under the tutelage of my mother turned demoniac but it was nothing so dramatic as that. You see, she was a cunning woman and while I am sure a forced subjugation of the learning of the dark arts would have been just as effective on my young mind, she chose a different route. She took to weaving a web of lies, twisting what little memory I had of my father into something it was not. At first I resisted such thoughts but when you're a child, your mind is malleable, easy to bend and break under constant pressure. And I was no exception, I broke and she reveled.

"Why doesn't papa search for us?"

"Because he does not love us, my sweet. He threw us away, abandoned us because he found someone else to love." I stifled a sob.

I still remember the warmth of her neck and bosom craned over me; her lark-like voice crooning sweet lies into my ears and offering the only consolation I had to the dawning realization that we were, in fact, abandoned. I was young and most of all, I was foolish.

Weeks had passed now, weeks that slowly bled into months, and when a year finally passed, I was exactly as my mom wanted me to be. I was growing as wretched as she and worst of all, she nurtured my hatred into something terrible. Back then I never quite understood the real reason behind my mother's motives and intentions. I thought it was just as mine was, she felt abandoned and wanted revenge for it but nothing could be further from the truth. He was the only one who had managed to trespass through the threshold of her heart and in doing so, he became her only weakness. That rankled her in ways I had never seen and only when I grew older would I come to understand how she truly felt and who she truly was.

Disclaimer: It is not complete and extremely long-winded.

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