about Avvie
Registration Date: 05-15-2013
Last Visit: 08-10-2013 08:52 AM
Total Posts 19
Played By: Okie

Clairvoyant level:  35   Occultist level:  0   Sentinel level:  0   Slayer level:  0   Elemental level:  40   Arius level:  0

Total EXP

Avarice Lamia Wraith's Info
Did you see the little white fox?
general information
Young Adolescent
Telsa Province
Other Info:

The soft touch of cotton, the rich silk poured into the rich – yet so colorless, pale white molds, painting on the blank canvas of a rather small, frail, delicate little creature. Carefully rest ones head against her delicate body without breaking her frail bones. Hues of pink are spattered in to make a nose, the color of her eyes, mouth and padding of her paws. She is smaller than appears, with her coat fluffed and well groomed. She looks almost like an Eskimo dog, but perhaps a bit more wolfish. Clumsy with her footing, scars from tripping and stumbling into a mess of things, are hidden under that pretty little white coat of hers. Cherry blossoms add a youthful, feminine dress upon her delicate ears. Lean legs narrow down to small light paws, her speed fluctuates. She’s neither a little speed demon or a slug. It’s just there. Soft, innocent eyes painted in the tender brush strokes of rosy pink with a hint of lavender, cascade the imperfections of kindness and naivety masking the bitter, cold sting of such cruelty. Though a fault of poor eyesight during the day causes her little movement likewise
From the moment she was conceived from her mother’s womb, Avarice has always been an odd little girl. Amorous vocals slip tenderly from soft, succulent lips of the frail albino child on such a scarce occasion – she hardly speaks. For the longest time it was thought that the girl had been born mute aside from aloft noises she’d hum or mumble. Generally a soft-spoken girl, her words can sting and have a sharp edge to them. Sometimes thrown together making comprehension difficult to task. Overall, she’s not much of a social butterfly. Excessive sunlight harms her eyes due to the albino recessive gene she possesses there for she does her best to exclude herself from any daytime activities. Just as her mother, she is a reclusive, closed off child. She has a difficult time expressing emotion yet known to be extremely intelligent. Despite being gifted with intellect, what she deems to be organized shows an excessive amount of disorganization, and a mess of cluster. Worrisome, she can become if something isn't going right or there is something wrong but she is unable to place a paw on it. Eventually, Avarice is prone to developing a lot of health issues aside from the harshness of the sun to her skin and eyes. She is envious of her siblings finding them to be more perfect than she, sticking true to her name. Possibly personality disorders, or schizophrenia enhances as she matures, hallucinating, and growing more delusional as well as closing out any social interactions.
Once upon a time, there was a man and a woman.
The man was known to be a great king.
The woman was a incredibly intelligent Shaman – the best in all the land.
Though with great intelligence, there was so much there, her mind didn't know what to do with it.
There were spells the woman had in which she fought vigorously each day.
Secrets in which only so few knew.

The man met the woman one day
She was lost in a laboring world of her work.
The woman's words were unkind and irate
Though it seemed the man was unphased by such unfriendliness.
In fact, he was intrigued.

Time and time again the two ran into each other
the womans words were just as harsh as they were before
Turning her nose to him in fear and in secrecy
The man was persistent still.
One day, the woman's pack set off to war
With great reluctance she hid in the shadows
Only to be of assistance when needed.
The woman hid herself from the battle
Disgusted with violence of any act.
She had been discovered.

She was taken, kidnapped by the opposing pack
Thrown into chambers where she was beaten.
Humiliation, Pain, Terror and Fear.
She lived in the depths of eternal darkness
For what seemed to be an eternity.

Then, the sun had shone it's brightest one day.
The man had discovered she had been taken
And he found her with an endless search.
She doubted him still, though with his words
Reluctantly she followed, escaping from captivity.

Seven moons had come and gone
She had been a secret in his home.
For she was of another speices than he – and his pack.
In start of the eighth morning
She was preparing her journey back to her pack.
So much work left undone.

The man had stopped her, the woman confused.
“You will not be welcome there.”
He said to her, a welt in the pit of his stomach formed.
It was then, the woman discovered she had been used
She was the signature to her packs, and his, treaty.
Emotions stirred.
The woman nearly lost herself.

The man took her into a wolfish hug.
Embracing the woman.
Surprisingly she did not fight back.
The woman was puzzled, though
The man answered, explaining to her
that he could purify her blood
to be one with the rest of the pack.
The woman became scared.
Uncertain, apprehensive and pessimistic.
The man led her, telling her to go into the center of the pond.
The man killed her.
The woman died.

Within seconds, he restored her life with his black magic.
The woman lived.
She became Queen.
A new generation was to come.
On the sixth night of the start of Spring
the woman gave birth to eight children.
One of the children was so different than the rest.
An Albino.
An abomination.
A sin
A horrible Omen.

The woman still, loved the child like any other.
The man frowned upon the child.
By law, the woman was forced to find a new home for the child.
Or the child was to be murdered.

So the woman set off, retrieving a new guardian -
The only other being in which she ever did trust.
And thus the child was raised.

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