about Al, Dahlia
Registration Date: 05-27-2013
Last Visit: 06-26-2013 11:11 AM
Total Posts 7
Played By: Freakshow

Clairvoyant level:     Occultist level:     Sentinel level:     Slayer level:     Elemental level:     Arius level:

Total EXP

Alraia Dahlia Rochet's Info
general information
Other Info:
She has a snowy owl companion by the name of Neferit.

The first thing others notice about Alraia is her eyes. They are a stunning shade of blue, bright and matching shades that mimic ocean waves. They are crystal clear with specks and shards of silver. Her coat begins with a stark black that covers the most of her body, though it leaves her ears, toes, and the tip of her two tails untouched. These parts of her, along with a large spot on her belly and three horizontal 'v' shaped stripes on her chest, are a stark white. A small portion of her muzzle is white as well, reaching out beneath her eyes and circling them with the color. Alraia's nose is a soft spotted shade of dark grayish-pink, dotted with lighter and darker hues of the same color.
Confident - having strong belief or full assurance; sure; sure of oneself; having no uncertainty about one's own abilities, correctness, successfulness, etc. Alraia has much confidence in herself. She doesn't believe there isn't anything she can't do, and will go to extreme limits sometimes to prove it. She will stand up for herself if she deems it necessary, and she is not afraid to tell you what she thinks about you.

Trustworthy - deserving of trust or confidence; dependable; reliable. This female is highly worth your trust. She gives it full in return, and though it may not come brightly at first, if you put in the effort you will earn it, whether it is quickly or not is up to you. She keeps secrets even if you don't want her to and she would never rat anyone out unless it is absolutely necessary.

Adventurous - inclined or willing to engage in adventures; enjoying adventures; requiring courage. While Alraia isn't being overly protective or wary, she can be quite adventurous and flirty along with this trait. She is curious about the world and about others and enjoys exploring places she has and hasn't been and people as well.

Compassionate - a feeling of deep sympathy and sorrow for another who is stricken by misfortune, accompanied by a strong desire to alleviate the suffering. If Alraia notices that someone is struggling or that they are in need of help, she will come prancing to the rescue. She despises seeing others in pain or full of sorrow. She has a strong maternal instinct to help those in need, even if they don't ask.

Extrovert - the act of directing one's interest outward or to things outside the self, rather than toward one's own thoughts or feelings. Alraia puts others before herself. She doesn't let others walk all over her, but she does care about them and their well being. She will not hesitate to think about someone before she thinks about herself even in the most critical of times.

Faithful - strict or thorough in the performance of duty; true to one's word, promises, vows, etc.; steady in allegiance or affection; loyal; constant. When it comes to her duties, if she has any, Alraia is very collected. She will perform each and every task she is given to the best of her abilities, which have been honed over the years she's been on the planet. She does not falter when it comes to being faithful to others. She will not hesitate to tell off another male if she has a mate, and she is extremely loyal to those that can show her they are loyal in return.

Born during the reign of Sol and Luna, Alraia was born after the gods clashed and the creator came crashing down to Earth. Her mother, Cheri, was a halfling that fell in love with a windwalker, whom Alraia was fated to never meet. The female gave birth in a small den in Volkheim Plateau, giving life to three whelps - two males and a female. Alraia was the first to open her eyes and explore the world, her brothers coming not two days after.

Cheri had an acquaintance that helped her raised her pups. His name was Orion, and he was essentially their surrogate father. He loved Cheri, but she did not return his feelings. She had someone waiting for her, someone she did love. She first met him at dawn in the opening of her den, when she'd heard someone stirring outside and thought it to be Orion. She didn't know his name, as he only came by at night, but they grew closer and closer as the days passed. She kept him a secret from Orion, fearing that if he knew he would lash out at her with his incredible temper and perhaps maim her or her children. So when they were about eight months of age, Cheri handed them over to Orion and left.

Alraia spent the rest of her first year with Orion, growing up between her siblings Memphis and Tiberius. She excelled more than they and her brothers began to grow jealous. They left the family at an early age, splitting them all apart. Alraia didn't like Orion much, he was too pushy and always wracking himself with guilt for letting Cheri go, so she too abandoned him. He followed her unexpectedly, shouting at her and constantly asking where she was going. One night his temper took hold of him, causing to black out. He tortured her with teeth and claws, leaving wounds across her body. When she could no longer stand, he stood over her, turned her onto her back, and attempted to rape her while forcing her to look him in the face, tears rolling down her ebony and ivory cheeks. But before he could emotionally scar her, a thick black silhouette appeared from the sky and swooped down upon Orion, carrying him a few feet from Alraia before disappearing into the shadows.

Alraia heard Orion's screams, and while her heart ached for her father and the man that tried to harm her, she knew in her heart that she was barely alive and owed her life to whomever it was that had knocked Orion away from her. She pulled and dragged herself as far away from the scene as she could, listening to Orion's voice dying out into the solemn chirp of insects. She was safe, or so she thought. She blacked out after that due to a large amount of blood loss and came to in the care of a local shaman. Whoever it was that had rescued her, she would never know. Alraia's mind pondered over it relentlessly. She wanted to thank him, whomever he was. His scent was stuck in her adenoids, clouding her thoughts and her senses and her dreams. She had nightmares for around eight months after the incident, but they always ended with the shadow man that had come to save her.

She grew into a wonderful woman, and around age four, Alraia met her knight. She'd never seen a creature so pure before, something straight out of a fairy tale. He was strong and masculine, with the beak of her avian friends and the wings to match. He was pure black, with pristine, glowing white eyes. He was beautiful, and his name was Lucien. They grew close to each other, and Alraia soon found herself swooning over everything he did and she constantly wanted to be around him. They spent more time together, and eventually confessed their feelings for each other. She'd never felt this way before, and he was her first and only love in her life. But another man would soon interrupt.

His name was Baphomet, and he soon took Alraia's heart from the black raven man. He swooped her off her feet with promises of safety and wealth and many things that he thought Lucien could not provide for her. Alraia eventually went off with Baphomet, believing that she truly loved him even though she never did. He turned out to be the complete opposite of what he implied he was, and after a season with him, Alraia found herself leaving. She ached for Lucien and their love, and now she is searching the world for him to apologize for leaving without ever saying a word.

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