about Noq [the Golden Shadow]
Registration Date: 06-24-2013
Last Visit: 08-13-2013 05:37 AM
Total Posts 20
Played By: Grey

Clairvoyant level:  0   Occultist level:  0   Sentinel level:  0   Slayer level:  40   Elemental level:  15   Arius level:  20

Total EXP

Noqual Se'Viek's Info
general information
Other Info:

Build :
Son of Alacue the Golden Fire, and Mene the Sea Air, Noq has a strong line of Earthborn blood coursing through his veins. His element of darkness has an influence on his physique as well, but it’s his heritage that really defines him. Like his father, Noq is of a large build with a broad chest and strong long legs. His fur is short, but thick, protecting him from both the cold when winter comes and the scorching heat of summer. His tail is also short, bitten off at a young age by one of his own litter mates. Overall, he has the look of a warrior, and while assumedly feared as one, Noq moves and acts more like his mother, like an assassin. Despite his large form, Noq does have a slender muzzle and the power of darkness on his side. With black wisp-like shadows emanating from his paws, he can easily walk in silence and secrecy making for a better spy than front row warrior.

Color :
Known also as the Golden Shadow, it’s hard to miss Noq against a dark background. His main pelt is a light gold color, bright and clean and pure like the sun. Few markings garnish his body and, in fact, only two really stand out. His face, neck, ears and stomach may be a pale white, but it blends in with the rest of his fur so softly they hardly count as markings. His paws are also the same color white, but are often shrouded in the shadows that emanate from them that people assume his paws are naturally black. No, the two main markings Noq is known for are his black ears, and the black spot around each eye. While his ears are a natural coloration, darkness emanates, like his paws, from his eyes which create the black spot around them. And if his golden pelt isn’t enough to identify this earthborn, the color of his eyes against the darkness around them will. His left is blue like the ocean, deep and mysterious, while his right eye is green, bright and curious and so full of life and freedom.

Scars :
Noq doesn’t have many scars that adorn his body. The most noticeable would be a nick on the top of his muzzle, and two claw marks on his back right leg.


First Impressions :
Despite his bright appearance, Noq isn’t one who excels at first impressions. He can be quite judgmental to those he has only just met based on their own appearance or which pack they’re from, their species, and even what they eat. Being blunt, and openly opinionated, Noq isn’t afraid to let others know what he thinks of them either. Not all comments are bad, and some are actually compliments… but don’t expect that outcome to occur too often. You see, Noq loves getting into word fights, and will pester someone until they have no choice but to join in. How well you take his ‘playful banter’ will more often than not determine how the golden boy treats you thereafter.

Per usual, Noq will often make a friend out of a new face after his ‘harassment’, but there are times when things just don’t work out. In those situations he can be very cold and stoic. He has no reason to show care or concern for those who are not an ally, or those who he deems as weak and useless. He will even go as far as to ignore your very existence if he thinks so little of you. Harsh as it may be, it’s how Noq was raised and he finds it easier that pretending to like someone for the sake of their feelings.

What’s Inside :
Noq can be quite a warm hearted fellow after getting to know him. While he has no time for the ‘useless’, Noq will do anything to protect those close to him. He smiles more often, and speaks less callously. He is loyal, but not one to take commands with ease. While not an overly dominant wolf, he’d rather be a loner than a follower, and will take up command if needed but would prefer to avoid having that responsibility. Besides, he loves traveling too much to settle down anywhere.

A bit of a jokester, Noq surprisingly has a good humored side to him as well. He still loves to have word fights with those he trusts, but they become more and more playful the more he opens up. Noq is also a huge fan of swimming and will, almost puppishly, play in any body of water he finds much to the surprise of anyone who knows him or thought they knew him.

Noq is also a deep thinker and loves riddles and puzzles. His curiosity knows no bounds, and will almost immediately make a connection with anyone who shares this same interest or can teach him something he had not previously known before. This might be a side effect from being raised a spy and assassin, but Noq genuinely loves learning about as much as he loves swimming and successfully completing a job.

The Flaws :
Everyone has a flaw, something like fears and mental disorders. Noq isn’t different and, besides being afraid of death, suffers from sporadic retrograde amnesia. He can remember being trained, like his siblings, to become an assassin by their mother, but can’t remember any of his littermate’s faces or their names. He remembers his parent’s names, but not their faces and can hardly recall what their voices were like. There are gaps in his history where no memory turns up, and often when they do it’s like the memory of a dream. Noq can only hold onto it for so long before it disappears again, leaving him feeling more empty than before. But while the loss of memory can be aggravating, Noq has no intention of trying to recollect what he’s forgotten. He did, for a time, but found himself wasting more of his life away so he ended the fruitless quest and instead looks forward to the new memories to be made in the future.


Youth :
Noq’s childhood was quite normal for his pack. His mother, Mene, was born and raised into a pack of assassins who took jobs for food and trinkets. One day Mene met a male named Alacue and the two hit it off. Alacue joined the pack, and though he wasn’t an assassin he made for a great protector and came from a long pure line of earthborn. They had four pups, the youngest being Noq, who were then raised much like their mother soon after being weaned. Though, at the time, the smallest of the litter, Noq excelled when it came to gathering information. Unlike his siblings who took after his parents elements, one being fire and two of air, Noq was born with the element of darkness like his great grandfather. Only when it came to the skills in torturing for information and, in the end, killing another wolf, did Noq hit a bump in his development.

It took a harsh beating and extensive training for Noq to get over his fears of killing and the grotesque procedures of torture. In the end, he and only one other sibling made it through the trials of becoming an assassin. The other two became warriors like their father, there for the protection of the pack if by some chance harm would come their way. Of course, as would be expected to happen with a pack of assassins, they did have a couple of enemies.

Grown :
At two years of age, Noq was a professional at his job. Like his mother and grandfather before him, there was a lot to be expected of him and he did his best to prove himself to more than just his pack. Sadly, he did not get that chance. During a new moon dark night, Noq’s pack was attacked by a gang of wolves tired of being picked off by the assassins. The burned elders and ripped apart any adult they could grab a hold of. Pups were captured, and Noq’s world crumbled down. Though they fought back, few made it out of the massacre alive and all were scattered. Noq, not just injured but traumatized, woke up far from his homeland with large gaps of his memory missing.

For a year Noq traveled in search of his memories. It took him more than a month to remember his own name, longer to remember his parent’s. He spent so long wondering, worrying, that he started to notice how wasted his future was looking. Unsure why he was injured or what happened to his pack, but assuming the worst, Noq decided to leave the past where it belonged. If it was meant to be, he knew, his memories would come back to him.

Present :
Now, Noq just roams Adymeria. He still takes up jobs as an assassin, but enjoys traveling and discovering new places and faces everywhere he explores. In his dreams his past still haunts him, but it always disappears by the time he awakens. Happy to just be who he remembers being, Noq only cares for what the future may hold.

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